Base API class

Module for the base class handling the access to the Database API.

class str = '', token: str | None = None, uname: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Base API class handling user access information to the Database API.

__init__(api_root: str = '', token: str | None = None, uname: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, **kwargs) None

Create an instance of the API class with the required parameters.

  • api_root – Optional: root URL of the API endpoint, the default working database url is provided.

  • token – Optional: token to access the API.

  • uname – Optional: username to access the API.

  • password – Optional: password to access the API.

  • kwargs – Additional parameters to pass to the API.



send_request(url_data_type: str, url_params: Dict[str, str]) Response

Handle sending appropriate request according to the type of authentication.

  • url_data_type – Type of the data we want to request (according to database model).

  • url_params – Parameters to send with the request to the database.


An instance of the Response object.

static check_request_health(resp: Response) None

Check status code of the response to request and provide detials if unexpected.


resp – Instance of the Response object.



static output_to_df(response: Response) DataFrame

Transform output to Pandas dataframe.


response – Raw output of the sent request.


Pandas dataframe of the data from the output.

static postprocess_data(df: DataFrame, output_type: str) Dict[str, bool | int64 | None]

Process dataframe information to extarct the necessary additional data.

  • df – Dataframe of the output data.

  • output_type – Expected type (amount) of the data extracted.


Dictionary of the additional data extracted.

static validate_data(df, data_type)
process_data(url_data_type: str, url_params: Dict[str, str], output_type: str) Tuple[DataFrame, Dict[str, bool | int64 | None]]

Process output data according to specified request parameters.

  • url_data_type – Type of the data we want to request (according to database model).

  • url_params – Parameters to send with the request to the database.

  • output_type – Expected type (amount) of the data extracted.


A tuple of dataframe with the requested data and additional data from postprocessing.