py-fatigue documentation#
py-fatigue bundles the main functionality for performing cyclic stress (fatigue and crack growth) analysis and cycle-counting. The toolbox is based on four buinding blocks:
cycle_count: collects all the functions related with cycle-counting fatigue data
material: allows the definition of some fatigue-specific material properties such as SN curve and Paris’ law.
geometry: enables the instantiation of specific crack geometries for crack propagation analysis.
damage: the module collecting the fatigue life calculation models:
stress-life: fatigue analysis based on the cycle-counting and SN curve.
crack_growth: crack propagation (growth) analysis based on the cycle-counting, the Paris’ law and the geometrical definition of a crack case (defect geometry and medium).
New to py-fatigue? Stert here! The Absolute Beginner’s Guide contains all the introductiory material to familiarize with py-fatigue main concepts and start playing with the examples.
The Binder Environment allows you to run the examples directly in your browser without installing anything on your local machine. The examples are based on Jupyter notebooks and can be modified and extended as needed.
The user guide provides in-depth information on the key concepts of py-fatigue with useful background information and explanation.
The API reference provides detailed information on the methods and classes available in py-fatigue. The reference describes how tools work and which parameters can be used. It assumes that you have an understanding of the key concepts.