The following code is based on the Python [1] Rainflow algorithm implemented in the WAFO toolbox [2]. The method gives the following definition of rainflow cycles, in accordance with Rychlik (1987) [3]:
From each local maximum Mk one shall try to reach above the same level, in the backward (left) and forward (right) directions, with an as small downward excursion as possible. The minima, m-k and m+k, on each side are identified. The minimum that represents the smallest deviation from the maximum Mk is defined as the corresponding rainflow minimum mRFCk. The k:th rainflow cycle is defined as (mRFCk, Mk).
See also
Find indices to turning points.
Find indices to local maxima and minima.
- py_fatigue.cycle_count.rainflow.rainflow(data: ndarray | list, time: ndarray | list | None = None, extended_output: bool = True) ndarray | tuple #
Returns the cycle-count of the input data calculated through the rainflow method.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- if np.ndarray:
- rfsnp.ndarray
rainflow [ampl ampl_mean nr_of_cycle cycle_begin_time cycle_period_time]
- if tuple:
- rfsnp.ndarray
rainflow [ampl ampl_mean nr_of_cycle cycle_begin_time cycle_period_time]
- data[res_tp]numpy.ndarray
the residuals signal
- res_tpnumpy.ndarray
the indices of the residuals signal
- time[res_tp]numpy.ndarray
the time signal for residuals
- Return type:
Union[np.ndarray, tuple]
- Raises:
TypeError – data shall be numpy.ndarray or list
See also
Find indices to turning points.
Find indices to local maxima and minima.
Find rainflow cycles.
- py_fatigue.cycle_count.rainflow.findextrema(x: ndarray) ndarray #
Return indices to minima and maxima of a vector
- Parameters:
x (vector with sampled values.)
- Returns:
- Return type:
indices to minima and maxima in the original sequence x.
>>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import wafo.misc as wm >>> t = np.linspace(0,7*np.pi,250) >>> x = np.sin(t) >>> ind = wm.findextrema(x) >>> np.allclose(ind, [ 18, 53, 89, 125, 160, 196, 231]) True
>>> a = plt.plot(t,x,'.',t[ind],x[ind],'r.') >>> plt.close('all')
- py_fatigue.cycle_count.rainflow.findtp(x: ndarray) ndarray #
Return indices to turning points (tp) of ASTM rainflow filtered data.
- Parameters:
x (vector) – signal to be filtered.
- Returns:
ind – indices to the turning points in the original sequence.
- Return type:
Union[np.ndarray, None]
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import py_fatigue.wafo.misc as wm >>> t = np.linspace(0,30,500).reshape((-1,1)) >>> x = np.hstack((t, np.cos(t) + 0.3 * np.sin(5*t))) >>> x1 = x[0:100,:] >>> itp = wm.findtp(x1[:,1]) >>> tp = x1[itp,:] >>> np.allclose(itp, [ 5, 18, 24, 38, 46, 57, 70, 76, 91, 98, 99]) True
>>> a = plt.plot( ... x1[:,0], x1[:,1], tp[:,0], tp[:,1], 'ro') >>> plt.close('all')
See also
- py_fatigue.cycle_count.rainflow.findrfc_astm(tp: ndarray, t: ndarray | None = None) ndarray #
Return rainflow counted cycles
Nieslony’s Matlab implementation of the ASTM standard practice for rainflow counting ported to a Python C module.
- Parameters:
tp (array-like) – vector of turning-points (NB! Only values, not sampled times)
t (array-like, optional) – vector of sampled times
- Returns:
sig_rfc – array of shape (n,3) or (n, 5) with: sig_rfc[:,0] Cycles amplitude sig_rfc[:,1] Cycles mean value sig_rfc[:,2] Cycle type, half (=0.5) or full (=1.0) sig_rfc[:,3] cycle_begin_time (only if t is given) sig_rfc[:,4] cycle_period_time (only if t is given)
- Return type:
- py_fatigue.cycle_count.rainflow.findcross(x: ndarray, v=0.0, kind=None) ndarray #
Return indices to level v up and/or downcrossings of a vector
- Parameters:
x (array_like) – vector with sampled values.
v (scalar, real) – level v.
kind (string) – defines type of crossing returned. Possible options are - ‘d’ : downcrossings only - ‘u’ : upcrossings only - None : All crossings will be returned
- Returns:
ind – indices to the crossings in the original sequence x.
- Return type:
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt >>> import py_fatigue.wafo.misc as wm >>> ones = np.ones >>> np.allclose(findcross([0, 1, -1, 1], 0), [0, 1, 2]) True >>> v = 0.75 >>> t = np.linspace(0,7*np.pi,250) >>> x = np.sin(t) >>> ind = wm.findcross(x,v) # all crossings >>> np.allclose(ind, [ 9, 25, 80, 97, 151, 168, 223, 239]) True
>>> ind2 = wm.findcross(x,v,'u') >>> np.allclose(ind2, [ 9, 80, 151, 223]) True >>> ind3 = wm.findcross(x,v,'d') >>> np.allclose(ind3, [ 25, 97, 168, 239]) True
>>> t0 = plt.plot(t,x,'.',t[ind],x[ind],'r.', t, ones(t.shape)*v) >>> t0 = plt.plot(t[ind2],x[ind2],'o') >>> plt.close('all')